Building management

Sauter Group

In its more than 100 years of history, the SAUTER Group has managed to establish its name worldwide for its competence in building management and room automation.

Sauter Group

The leader in building control

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About the company

Sauter's 100+ year history and global reputation worldwide for its expertise in building controls and room automation

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Company goal

The company combines global reach with regional ties, living traditions with a promising future of innovation.

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Provides goods, services and solutions in the room and building automation industry.

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Like any car or washing machine, cooling and heating systems need to be maintained at all times. Regular servicing significantly extends the life of the system.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps are an alternative source of heating in apartments, houses and larger commercial buildings such as hotels.


We have been working with retail chains, banks, restaurants and office complexes for many years. We operate throughout the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan.

We cooperate with leading manufacturers

Thanks to our partners, we can offer to our customers a wide range of air conditioners, heat pumps, VRF systems and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. We work only with the world's leading manufacturers of air conditioners, heat pumps and HVAC systems whose products are characterized by quality, durability, energy efficiency and fair prices.

We are an official distributor of Toshiba, Samsung, Fujitsu, Daikin, Panasonic, Airwell and Carrier air conditioners and heat pumps.

Air conditioning systems from Mandik, Systemair, Elektrodesign, FläktGroup, Lindab, Multi-VAC, Remak and Flair.

Energo Centrum Plus
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Nevanova 1050/11
163 00 Praha 6 - Řepy

+420 800 022 830

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