Air conditioning

For a better home and work

Solutions for businesses

Solutions for businesses

Příjemná teplota ve vnitřních prostorech budov je důležitá pro pohodlí jejich uživatelů. Uvnitř budov trávíme více času než venku, a proto musí být vzduch, který vevnitř dýcháme, perfektní. Kvalitu vzduchu výrazně zvyšují vhodné klimatizační a vzduchotechnické systémy. Náš tým odborníků vám rád navrhne vhodné chlazení, topení i vzduchotechniku.

Solutions for the home

Solutions for the home

A home should be the most comfortable place in the world, where every member of the family feels great. We can help you make sure your home is that place. Whether you live in an apartment or house, in the city or in the country, we have a wide range of air conditioners and heat pumps to help you create a cozy, healthy home.

We cooperate with leading manufacturers

Thanks to our partners, we can offer to our customers a wide range of air conditioners, heat pumps, VRF systems and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. We work only with the world's leading manufacturers of air conditioners, heat pumps and HVAC systems whose products are characterized by quality, durability, energy efficiency and fair prices.

We are an official distributor of Toshiba, Samsung, Fujitsu, Daikin, Panasonic, Airwell and Carrier air conditioners and heat pumps.

Air conditioning systems from Mandik, Systemair, Elektrodesign, FläktGroup, Lindab, Multi-VAC, Remak and Flair.

Need some advice?

Contact us and we will be happy to advise you

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Nevanova 1050/11
163 00 Praha 6 - Řepy

+420 800 022 830

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